The 1st IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Internet of Things Management is co-located with the 17th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management from 17-21 May 2021 in Bordeaux, France.
The Internet of Things (IoT) emerges as a major architectural paradigm for achieving machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. The fundamental principle behind IoT is the concept of a “resource” (or a “thing”), that serves as an abstraction of a basic unit that interacts with its environment, and is capable of providing services, data and control elements to other internetworked resources. Many IoT scenarios can be characterized by lots of (small) traffic, lots of entities, strong heterogeneity in links and device capabilities, strong distribution, and highly sensitive data. Individual nodes have limited compute resources and on-device storage (e.g., consider Raspberry Pi single board computers). Their connectivity is often constrained by factors such as the presence of NATs and firewalls, power constraints, and intermittent network access.
Managing IoT-based systems is complex and exciting. Though being an evolution from classical management, managing IoT things is still disruptive as classical assumptions about connectivity, compute resources, or usage patterns do not hold anymore.
The manage-IoT workshop focuses on management methodologies for the Internet of Things. Topics of interest include:
- Resource management
- Managing Internet of things devices and gateways
- Access arbitration to IoT sensors and actuators
- Managing sensors
- Data Management in IoT Systems
- Semantic Modeling of IoT Systems
- Information models/ Domain Specific Languages
- Service Management
- Modular Management
- Autonomous Management including MAPE-K
- IoT runtime environments
- Service Discovery
- Building Blocks
- Machine Learning
- Self-Adapting Systems
- Data Analytics
- Reasoning and Orchestration
- Security and Privacy
- Data and device security
- Privacy protection methodologies.
- Trust management
- Validation and Verification of data and functionality
- Resilience, Survivability, and Dependability
- Other aspects relevant to manage IoT systems.
Submission link:
Submission details under the tab “authors” above.
Paper submission deadline: January 8, 2021 January 29, 2021 (firm)
Paper acceptance notification: February 18, 2021
Camera-ready version due: March 5, 2021